Former Senior Research Software Engineer & Research Software Systems Manager
After completing his MSc in Bioinformatics at KCL, Brian joined the Department of Digital Humanities in 2013 as a Research Developer working on two projects - “The Art of Making” and “The Making of Charlemagne’s Europe”.
Brian's main research interests are rather split, starting with Heuristic algorithms – attempting to solve problems which are impractical (or impossible) to solve by normal means. He is also interested in data analysis and modelling, including visualising data in fun and informative ways. He has previously taught classes in Data Structures and the Foundations of Computing – a module which teaches the underpinnings of modern computer systems.
He has experience developing for iOS, Mac and the web, and is highly interested in the advantages of cloud computing in modern web systems. His time working at Apple also taught him the huge advantages brought by mobile computing, and his web development environment is now almost entirely based around an iPad – moving away from the traditional “laptop on desk” way of working. He believes that bringing software development away from the days of complicated editing environments not only increases productivity, but also encourages more people to think about developing software, rather than just using it.
Away from computing, Brian is a keen guitarist, enjoying both playing and collecting guitars. He also has a passion for Italian cars – no matter how unreliable they always turn out to be!
In addition to more extensive engagement with the projects listed below, Brian's work as a systems administrator underpins KDL's full estate of digital research projects. The systems administration team manages the infrastructure which supports all of KDL's digital resources, past and present. He has been involved with all projects developed and maintained during his time at KDL.
Digital Methods for Investigating Online Engagement with CoronavirusDigital Cultures of #covid19
Henslowe-Alleyn Digitisation Project
University of Reading
Scoping a Data Service for Complex 3D Data in the Arts and Humanities
University of Brighton, FAH Department of Digital Humanities, Duke University, University of the West of England
Inscriptions of Roman TripolitaniaIRT
FAH Department of Classics
Language Acts and WorldmakingOWRI
FAH Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Queen Mary, University of London, University of Westminster, Open University
Nineteenth-Century Serials EditionNCSE
Birkbeck, University of London, University of Leeds, FAH Department of Digital Humanities, FAH Department of English
Inscriptions of Roman CyrenaicaIRCYR
FAH Department of Classics, FAH Department of Digital Humanities
Mao Era in ObjectsMAO
University of Oxford, FAH Department of History, Highlands School Enfield, Yale University, Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy
Mozart and Material CultureMOZARTMC
FAH Department of Music, FAH Department of Digital Humanities
Renaissance SkinRENSKIN
FAH Department of History
A Publishing and Communication History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-45MOI
School of Advanced Studies, University of London, FAH Department of Digital Humanities, Leeds Beckett University, University of London
Digital Prosopography of the Roman RepublicDPRR
FAH Department of Classics, FAH Department of Digital Humanities
Art of Making in AntiquityAofM
FAH Department of Digital Humanities, FAH Department of Classics
Paradox of Medieval Scotland. Examining the roles and relationships of medieval Scottish societyPoMS
University of Glasgow, FAH Department of History, FAH Department of Digital Humanities
Georgian Papers ProgrammeGPP
College of William and Mary Libraries, Omohundro Institute, Royal Archives & Royal Library, FAH Department of History
Scrambled Messages: The Telegraphic Imaginary 1857-1900SCRAMBLED
Courtauld Institute of Art, FAH Department of Digital Humanities