Senior Research Software Engineer
Elliott Hall is a Creative Technologist, Writer, and Research Software Engineer.
As a Creative Technologist he makes immersive family shows using a combination of AR, embedded systems and live performance, using Unreal Engine, Unity, and embedded systems like Raspberry Pis and Micro:Bits. He is the creator of the Digital Ghost Hunt, co-created with Tom Bowtell of KIT Theatre, and the immersive AI installation Room is Sad.
As a Research Software Engineer(RSE) he is a full stack developer using Django/Python, SQL, Node, Docker, and Javascript to collaborate with academic partners.
Elliott is also a novelist, author of The Strange Trilogy, published by John Murray in the UK and Silvertail Books in the US.
Glow3: Global Leadership of Women in Web 3
FAH Department of Culture, Media & Creative Industries, FAH King's Culture, King's Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Digital Futures Institute, Virtual and Immersive Production Studio
Brightening the Covenant ChainBCC
University of Hull
Farm-level Interdisciplinary Approaches to Endemic Livestock DiseaseFIELD
University of Lincoln, FAH Department of History, Leeds Trinity University
Tangible Inclusive Block-Based Language for Widening Access to ProgrammingTIBBL
Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy, Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences
Room is Sad
King's Digital Lab
Shakespeare Holdings in the Royal CollectionSHARC
Birkbeck, University of London, FAH Department of English
Convergent Screen Technologies and Performance in RealtimeCoSTAR
The National Gallery, Goldsmiths, University of London
Mapping Digital Cultural Heritage in JordanMaDiH (مديح)
King's Digital Lab, Council for British Research in the Levant, Jordan Open Source Association, University of Oxford, Hashemite University
AI and Story Telling
King's Digital Lab, FAH Department of Culture, Media & Creative Industries, Charisma.AI, Parabolic Theatre
The Digital Ghost HuntDGH
University of Sussex, KIT Theatre, King's Digital Lab
Digital Prosopography of the Roman RepublicDPRR
FAH Department of Classics, FAH Department of Digital Humanities
Clergy of the Church of England Database ProjectCCED
University of Kent, Durham University, FAH Department of History
Profile of a Doomed Elite: The Structure of English Landed Society in 1066/Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon EnglandPDE/PASE
University of Cambridge, FAH Department of Digital Humanities, FAH Department of History
Gazetteer of Cyprus ProjectCYPRUS
University of Cyprus, FAH Department of Classics, FAH Department of Digital Humanities
Prosopography of the Byzantine WorldPBW
FAH Department of Classics
Language of LandscapeLangscape
FAH Department of Digital Humanities, FAH Department of History