Senior Research Software Analyst
Neil came to the Department of Digital Humanities as a Research Developer in 2011 to help steer development in the spatial turn that DH research that was enjoying at that time. Arriving with a background in environmental analysis, spatial statistics, his interests within the department broadened to encompass the diversity of topics in the department’s portfolio.
Neil has led technical development on a number of projects, including collaborating with the University of Wales to create a database of archaeological and palaeo-linguistic evidence regarding the origin of the Celtic language in the Bronze Age. He created a text and manuscript comparison tool for the study of vectors of transmission of medieval French.
His role within the Lab has now evolved to encompass cultivating new projects and relationships in the digital community and beyond as a Project Analyst. As one of three permanent analysts in the Lab, Neil oversees has particular responsibility over those which involve digital creative practice in emerging technologies such AR, VR and real-time engines. He is an accomplished 3D modeler, photographer and, occasionally, guitar player.
Musical LivesMusLive
FAH Department of Music
Crossreads Text, materiality and multiculturalism at the crossroads of the ancient MediterraneanCrossreads
University of Oxford, University of Catania
Social Dynamics of People's War
Defense Studies
Glow3: Global Leadership of Women in Web 3
FAH Department of Culture, Media & Creative Industries, FAH King's Culture, King's Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Digital Futures Institute, Virtual and Immersive Production Studio
Brightening the Covenant ChainBCC
University of Hull
Farm-level Interdisciplinary Approaches to Endemic Livestock DiseaseFIELD
University of Lincoln, FAH Department of History, Leeds Trinity University
Australian Cultural Data EngineACD-Engine
University of Melbourne, FAH Department of Digital Humanities
African Rock Art
The British Museum, Trust for African Rock Art
Scoping a Data Service for Complex 3D Data in the Arts and Humanities
University of Brighton, FAH Department of Digital Humanities, Duke University, University of the West of England
Inscriptions of Roman TripolitaniaIRT
FAH Department of Classics
Convergent Screen Technologies and Performance in RealtimeCoSTAR
The National Gallery, Goldsmiths, University of London
FAH Department of Digital Humanities
Inscriptions of Roman CyrenaicaIRCYR
FAH Department of Classics, FAH Department of Digital Humanities
University of Glasgow, King's Digital Lab
(Re) Mixing (de) Humanisation: Virtual Reality Migration Stories for Hard to Reach Audiences with Museums of MigrationRoom to Breath
FAH Department of Culture, Media & Creative Industries, Migration Museum, FAH Department of History
Medieval Francophone Literature Outside FranceMFLC
FAH Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Cambridge, University College London, FAH Department of Digital Humanities
Making of Charlemagne's EuropeMKCHEUR
FAH Department of History, FAH Department of Digital Humanities
Digital Resource and Database for Palaeography, Manuscript Studies and DiplomaticDigiPal
FAH Department of Digital Humanities
Paradox of Medieval Scotland. Examining the roles and relationships of medieval Scottish societyPoMS
University of Glasgow, FAH Department of History, FAH Department of Digital Humanities
Heritage Gazetteer for LibyaHGL
FAH Department of Digital Humanities, FAH Department of Classics
Mapping the Medieval Countryside: The Fifteenth-Century Inquisitions Post MortemIPM
University of Winchester, FAH Department of Digital Humanities
Gazetteer of Cyprus ProjectCYPRUS
University of Cyprus, FAH Department of Classics, FAH Department of Digital Humanities
Profile of a Doomed Elite: The Structure of English Landed Society in 1066/Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon EnglandPDE/PASE
University of Cambridge, FAH Department of Digital Humanities, FAH Department of History