Under this page we collect information about several projects related to the publication over several years of Late Antique inscriptions from the excavations at Aphrodisias in Caria (Western Asia Minor, western Turkey today).
An enhanced online edition was produced in 2004 and in 2007 a full corpus of all the texts known to the researchers followed. These were all edited in EpiDoc XML, under the guidance of Gabriel Bodard.
- Angelos Chaniotis Researcher
- Benet Salway Researcher
- Bert Smith Researcher
- Charlotte Roueché Principal investigator
- Christopher Ratté Researcher
- Gabriel Bodard RSE team member
- Harold Short Principal investigator
- John Lavagnino RSE team member
- Joyce Reynholds Researcher
- Juan Garcés RSE team member
- Michael Crawford Researcher
- Paul Spence RSE team member
- Tom Elliott Researcher
- Zaneta Au RSE team member
Project Status: Maintained