Ancient Inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea IOSPE

A vast field of tall golden crops stretches toward the horizon, with a low, grassy hill in the distance beneath a cloudy blue sky.
Photo by Irene Polinskaya

IOSPE represents a third edition (and the first to be online) of a corpus of Ancient Greek and Latin inscriptions originating from the Northern Coast of the Black Sea which was initially published between 1885-1901 as Inscriptiones antiquae Orae Septentrionalis Ponti Euxini graecae et latinae by Russian scholar V.V. Latschyev. Built using KDL's Kiln framework for creating digital applications based on XML source files, the website presents the inscriptions at a high level of scholarly detail and makes them findable through various types of indices - such as divine figures mentioned, or symbols used - as well as by searching on the Greek text. Because of the edition's origins and the central role of contemporary Russian scholars the website is available in both English and Russian language versions, and work to add a Ukrainian language version is in progress.
