Mapping Digital Cultural Heritage in Jordan MaDiH (مديح)

A picturesque image of the ancient ruins and modern city of Jerash in Jordan with connecting dots laid above.

MaDiH (مديح): Mapping Digital Cultural Heritage in Jordan, is an AHRC / Newton funded collaborative project between King’s Digital Lab (KDL), the Hashemite University, the Council for British Research in the Levant (CBRL), the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, the Jordanian Open Source Association, and the Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa (EAMENA) project. The project contributed to the long-term sustainable development of Jordan’s digital cultural heritage, identifying key systems, datasets, standards, and policies, and aligning them to government digital infrastructure capabilities and strategies.

KDL hosted workshops, provided RSE training, produced, in partnership, white papers on policy and technical requirements, and also developed a prototype National Data Catalogue using CKAN.
