The aim of the project was to explore the use of digital tools to examine, and to represent, shared ideas, concepts, axioms and apophthegms in various cultures with a focus on the Byzantine Greek and medieval Arabic worlds, looking at the transmission of such materials, largely drawn from the Classical Greek world.
Each literary researcher worked on the manuscripts of their various texts, to produce digital editions. The technical team developed the ontology (principally work by Anna Jordanous) and used it in order to represent the connections between those texts, and to build a structure for representing the texts (the Dynamic Library).
- Anna Jordanous RSE team member
- Charlotte Roueché Principal investigator
- Charlotte Tupman RSE team member
- Christoph Storz Researcher
- Denis Searby Researcher
- Elvira Wakelnig Researcher
- Faith Lawrence RSE team member
- Keith Lawrence RSE team member
- Lorenz Nigst Researcher
- Mark Hedges RSE team member
- Måns Bylund Researcher
- Pontus Österdahl Researcher
- Stephan Procházka Researcher
- Stuart Dunn RSE team member
Project Status: Maintained
Project links
Partner institution
- History
- Cultural and Museum Studies
- Languages and Literature
- Classics
- Digital edition
- Digital tool creation