King’s Digital Lab is home to an approachable team experienced in leading and collaborating in several Digital Humanities projects, from small starting grants to multi-million project bids. Combining different personal backgrounds, both commercial and academic, we are at the fore front of exploring research avenues incorporating emerging technologies and new and, often, challenging ideas and directions with our project partners. Located in the heart of London, KDL is housed in the Viriginia Woolf Building, close to the Department of Digital Humanities (DDH) and the main Strand campus of King’s College London.

The KDL team includes 13 Research Software (RS) roles currently equivalent to 13 FTE. Staff are divided into two broad functions, “Lab Support” (LS) who focus on administrative, management and planning functions and the “Solution Development Team” (SDT) who focus on projects and infrastructure.
Current KDL team members
Alessandra Esposito
Research Software Project Manager
Arianna Ciula
Director & Senior Research Software Analyst
Elliott Hall
Senior Research Software Engineer
Geoffroy Noël
Senior Research Software Engineer
Mary Chester-Kadwell
Senior Research Software Engineer
Miguel Vieira
Principal Research Software Engineer
Neil Jakeman
Senior Research Software Analyst
Pam Mellen
Research Software Lab Manager
Paul Caton
Deputy director & Senior Research Software Analyst
Samantha Callaghan
Research Software Analyst
Tiffany Ong
Senior Research Software UI/UX Designer
Tim Watts
Senior Research Software Systems Manager
Zihao Lu
Research Software UI/UX Designer
Departmental affiliates
Patrick ffrench
Languages, Literatures and Cultures Affiliate
Rebecca Levitan
Classics Affiliate
Simon Tanner
Digital Humanities Affiliate
Stuart Dunn
Digital Humanities Affiliate
Virginia Crisp
Culture, Media & Creative Industries Affiliate
Research fellows
Charlotte Roueché
Honorary Research Fellow
Ginestra Ferraro
Visiting Research Fellow
Harold Short
Honorary Research Fellow
John Bradley
Honorary Research Fellow
Katherine Bode
Visiting Research Fellow
Former staff
Brian Maher
Former Senior Research Software Engineer & Research Software Systems Manager
Carina Westling
Former Project Manager and Visiting Research Fellow
Chris Pak
Former Postdoctoral Research Associate
Florence du Pré
Former Research Software Project Manager
Ginestra Ferraro
Former Senior Research Software UI/UX Designer
James Smithies
Former Lab Director
Lucie Mingmei Hao
Former Research Software UI/UX Designer
Luís Figueira
Former Software Developer
Natasha Romanova
Former Digital Methods Lead
Olga Loboda
Former Research Software UI/UX Designer
Priyal Shah
Former UI/UX Designer
Ryan Heuser
Former Senior Research Software Engineer
Shalen Fu
Former Research Software Project Manager
Urszula Pawlicka-Deger
Former Marie Curie Research Fellow